Category Archives: Uncategorized

Connection and vulnerability

One of my 2011 new year’s resolution’s is connection and vulnerability. This video sums it all up, I LOVE this video.

Connection and vulnerability

One of my 2011 new year’s resolution’s is connection and vulnerability. This video sums it all up, I LOVE this video.

Young trumpet playing paperboy. I have faith in you.

Walked through Union Square this afternoon and came across a dapper young boy probably around 10 years old dressed like an old school paperboy, flat cap, jacket, tweed and all. He was playing his trumpet trying to raise money to

Young trumpet playing paperboy. I have faith in you.

Walked through Union Square this afternoon and came across a dapper young boy probably around 10 years old dressed like an old school paperboy, flat cap, jacket, tweed and all. He was playing his trumpet trying to raise money to

From green tea to red wine

Just spent the day working, you tubing, FBing, and designing over a sweet cup of sencha green tea. Wish my tea was doused with a secret potion to clone me into 4 different people so I can get all my

From green tea to red wine

Just spent the day working, you tubing, FBing, and designing over a sweet cup of sencha green tea. Wish my tea was doused with a secret potion to clone me into 4 different people so I can get all my

Mark Twain quote…I likes…

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your

Mark Twain quote…I likes…

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your

Banksy, an unknown British artist.

A very good friend shared with me the works of Banksy, an unknown British artist whose art has a blend of graffiti, stencil, sheer wit, and satire. This guy is very intelligent and my friend and I are clearly  on

Banksy, an unknown British artist.

A very good friend shared with me the works of Banksy, an unknown British artist whose art has a blend of graffiti, stencil, sheer wit, and satire. This guy is very intelligent and my friend and I are clearly  on

Writing assignment- Smell association

I slept with him. It was a crisp early Saturday morning, the sun barely peeking above the mirrored city skyline. I wake up with a cold chill that follows the lines of my tattoo laden body from the backs of

Writing assignment- Smell association

I slept with him. It was a crisp early Saturday morning, the sun barely peeking above the mirrored city skyline. I wake up with a cold chill that follows the lines of my tattoo laden body from the backs of

My favorite 6-word poem

” Longed for him. Got him. Shit “- Margaret Atwood

My favorite 6-word poem

” Longed for him. Got him. Shit “- Margaret Atwood

The Universe is always listening

I was in the middle of doing an exercise for my writing class last night and it turned out to be a little bit of a therapy session. Ended up balling my eyes out. Raw and real words just flowed

The Universe is always listening

I was in the middle of doing an exercise for my writing class last night and it turned out to be a little bit of a therapy session. Ended up balling my eyes out. Raw and real words just flowed

I Am an Emotional Creature

A friend of mine on Facebook posted this link Excerpting I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World. It’s a great addition to Eve Ensler’s V-day, an anti-violence movement and organization, focused on bringing awareness to

I Am an Emotional Creature

A friend of mine on Facebook posted this link Excerpting I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World. It’s a great addition to Eve Ensler’s V-day, an anti-violence movement and organization, focused on bringing awareness to