Category Archives: personal blog

Tayaba Time Lapse pt. 2

I was overjoyed, sparkling and overcome with love after drinking a few gallons of ormus gold from each and every one of you that reached out to me on my XX birthday. I am truly blessed to know each and

Tayaba Time Lapse pt. 2

I was overjoyed, sparkling and overcome with love after drinking a few gallons of ormus gold from each and every one of you that reached out to me on my XX birthday. I am truly blessed to know each and

Tayaba Time Lapse

Tayaba Time Lapse. I want one! I LOVE time lapse videos. I wish that I could time lapse my life thus far, the highs and lows, craziness to calm, from little Tayaba then, to little Tayaba now. It’ll probably give

Tayaba Time Lapse

Tayaba Time Lapse. I want one! I LOVE time lapse videos. I wish that I could time lapse my life thus far, the highs and lows, craziness to calm, from little Tayaba then, to little Tayaba now. It’ll probably give

There is another Tayaba?

Actually there are three of us but the one I’m referring to is Baby Tayabs, an adventurous, smart, breathtaking beauty with a smile that will make guys stop mid-stride to do a double-take.  I’m proud to introduce you to Marissa

There is another Tayaba?

Actually there are three of us but the one I’m referring to is Baby Tayabs, an adventurous, smart, breathtaking beauty with a smile that will make guys stop mid-stride to do a double-take.  I’m proud to introduce you to Marissa

Dale´, champagne life, and bleeding love

20 shots later, 6 hours cracky sleep, apache red sore eyes, and a horse voice equates to a whirlwind of a weekend in Las Vegas. Spent QT with my girlfriend and got a chance to see Pitbull perform at the

Dale´, champagne life, and bleeding love

20 shots later, 6 hours cracky sleep, apache red sore eyes, and a horse voice equates to a whirlwind of a weekend in Las Vegas. Spent QT with my girlfriend and got a chance to see Pitbull perform at the

Thanksgiving 2011

I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic being back home in San Diego. I realize that I truly miss and love it here. It is familiar and comfortable. I can jump on my sister’s bed do my happy dance;jump in my

Thanksgiving 2011

I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic being back home in San Diego. I realize that I truly miss and love it here. It is familiar and comfortable. I can jump on my sister’s bed do my happy dance;jump in my

Horizontally Speaking…

I was thrilled when I came up with this name today. I caught a glimpse of inspiration while I was chillin’ out in my Bush St studio here in San Francisco. I was laying on my caribbean colored chaise….stuck. Looked

Horizontally Speaking…

I was thrilled when I came up with this name today. I caught a glimpse of inspiration while I was chillin’ out in my Bush St studio here in San Francisco. I was laying on my caribbean colored chaise….stuck. Looked