Tayaba Time Lapse

Tayaba Time Lapse. I want one! I LOVE time lapse videos. I wish that I could time lapse my life thus far, the highs and lows, craziness to calm, from little Tayaba then, to little Tayaba now. It’ll probably give me a better perspective on how much I’ve accomplished, since I give myself a hard time for everything I do. It would be a great reminder to be appreciative of what I have now. That I can’t compare my life to anyone else because we are here to figure out what mark we are making on this iridescent fabric called life.

You can’t connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path.Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

Friends, this is just a friendly reminder. My life never quite makes too much sense to me. I am pretty much all over the place, but at least I’m enjoying it. I make decisions on intuition and I kind of just move with my feelings. Nighters! My intuition is telling me I’m pooped 🙂

Check out this time lapse video of the milky way. So cool.


About Christine

I am a smover ('smoov-er) a person who smiles and moves. A true AquarianMu5e born on a cloud with my hands interlaced behind my head gazing up to the heavens; oftentimes I'm giving myself daily reminders to stay present and grounded. I live life horizontally; frequently overcommitting myself to everything because i have "fear of missing out". I want to experience everything and be everywhere, just like that thin layer of light that outlines the world at dawn. I am an eclectic, somewhat chameleonesque person. Altruism comes naturally and I believe I can save the world one person at a time. Author, Malcolm Gladwell, would identify me as a true connector with strong underlying salesperson tendencies. I'm a pseudo-health nut, possibly a modern day hippie without being over-the-top granola. At the core, I am a creative bug who loves all kinds of art/music, innovation/technology, and beauty/fashion. Traveling and immersing myself into other cultures is a passion. The thrill of adventure and being outdoors is exciting and witnessing beauty in nature's raw form, calms my nerves and reminds me that we are a small piece of this vast universe. Therefore I'm making this life count so I can move peacefully into the next. I've got a voice that projects and gets 10 octaves louder when provoked, and a laugh that people seem to recognize a mile away. As open and social as I am, I consider myself to be somewhat private. Nothing really surprises me, so if you can illicit a response, then you must be quite special. My attention span is short just like a child with a new toy, initially engaged, but quickly on to the next latest and greatest. I collect crystals and believe in energy, and I base many of my decisions on intuition. I'm thrilled to discover writing as a craft to perpetually learn and develop. It's a new avenue for me to explore and express myself with no pressure and boundaries. " Tayaba Tuned In" is my personal haven; an insight into my life; a PR sound board for me to horizontally speak my constant thoughts; and a place for me to rave about many circles I run in with some pretty damn exquisite people and awe-inspiring events. Welcome *curtsy* to my horizontal world.

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